5 Million Lbs Milestone

We are very proud to announce a major milestone in our collections. This past June we surpassed the 5 million lbs. collected mark. We owe a debt of gratitude to all of you who helped us get there. Those of you who: requested bins for your buildings, donated at the greenmarkets, hosted a clothing drive for your organization, or created an innovative hub of collection. We are nothing without those who support us, so you all deserve a round of applause for your efforts. This little project that we started in 2005 has spun into a mandate in the city and the 5 million lbs diverted from landfills are a testament to efforts of all of our supporters and activists who have helped make Wearable Collections one of the leading textile recycling companies in NYC.


Wearable Collections Doubles $$ Donations for Sandy Relief! (and a little brief about how we operate)