2020 Vision

As a decade comes to a close, it’s only natural to reflect and think about what has been accomplished the past 10 years.  However we are not in the mood for feeling nostalgic. We are full of excitement for what’s to come in the years ahead. We have spent the past 15 years refining our collections strategy to not only divert clothes from landfills in a convenient manner but also to raise awareness and consciousness of the environmental issues that we face due to fashions’ impact.  One thing that this past decade has taught us is that change rarely happens as swiftly as you’d like it to. But we feel that change is about to accelerate in a big way and not a moment too soon. If you follow us you may have heard us drop the term circular economy. For those of you not familiar, the circular economy would be a break from the traditional way we operate: design, produce, consume and dispose.  In a circular economy products would be designed with end of use built into it so the materials can be re-introduced back into products for their next life. This would have not only come with tremendous environmental benefits but also economical benefits. It would place less pressure on natural resources and put people more in touch with the products they design and consume.  Not content to sit back and watch the circular economy develop at its own pace, we are utilizing our position as collections and recycling experts to connect the dots for our own circular solutions. We are not ready to announce yet, but please stay tuned as 2020 will be a year that begins the next phase of Wearable Collections evolution.


Wearables Take on the Kondo Effect